SCID Campaigns For

The implementation of the human rights principles of Fairness, Respect, Equality, Dignity and Autonomy for the families bereaved by road crashes.

The right of bereaved families to access the investigative documents compiled following a fatal road crash.

The recognition in all criminal law of victims injured by road crashes.
A road death is a sudden, violent and premature death.The bereaved are in shock, confused and are thrown into a criminal justice system they know nothing about.
SCID’s Objectives
- To help and advise victim families of road crashes.
- To seek to restructure the Law as it applies to Criminal Traffic Offences which have caused death or injury.
- To deter irresponsible drivers by the imposition of more relevant sanctions
- To encourage drivers through education, to adopt safer standards.
- SCID aims to provide practical and emotional support for families bereaved or victims injured by a road crash. Support is given by those who have been bereaved themselves. Support is without limit of time
In the immediate aftermath of a road crash in Scotland
As families bereaved and victims injured in road crashes, SCID has first-hand knowledge of the difficulties in accessing information following a road crash. Finding your way through the complexities of a road crash investigation and possible criminal proceedings at a time when you are most vulnerable is candidly mind boggling.
From SCID’s experience of almost 30 years we have put together some information from the victims’ perspective, which, we hope will be of help at a time when you feel most isolated.
Victim Support Scotland
– Victims Fund
The Victims’ Fund is open to people affected by crime across Scotland, who are in urgent need of financial help as a result of what they have experienced. This may be especially relevant during the COVID-19 pandemic. People can access assistance worth up to �3,000, for a wide range of goods and services where they have no other access to funds.
The Victims’ Fund, which is administered by Victim Support Scotland, is open to any victim of crime who is resident in Scotland who is currently accessing victim and other support services. It is also available for people who live outside of Scotland who have been bereaved by a crime that has occurred within Scotland.